Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to quit smoking?

Many regular smokers may find it difficult to quit using the ‘cold turkey’ method, without the help of any external aid. It is quite natural because not all are equally strong willed to overcome the effects of withdrawal symptoms and strong nicotine cravings. However, there are some effective quit smoking aids that can help you to quit, provided you have made up your mind. Before taking any suitable quit smoking aid, you should do a little bit of homework.

You can prepare a personal quit smoking plan and decide upon your quit smoking date, afterwards which you won’t smoke at all. You have to prepare your mind for a life as a non-smoker, for which you should make a list of pros and cons of smoking. You should get motivation from whichever way it comes, not to smoke again. You can even take support from your friends, family members, and the GP.

Effects of Smoking

Do you know that one or two cigarettes a day are enough to cause lung cancer? Smoking has become the leading cause of preventable deaths among people worldwide. It is associated to many serious diseases that are preventable.

Apart from lung cancer, smoking can cause cancers of the bladder, mouth, stomach, kidneys, and cervix. It can also cause other conditions such as diabetes, peptic ulcers, vision problems and even back pain.

Smoking can cause health risks among women. It can increase the risk of heart disease among women smokers. This risk increases by 30 times if they combine smoking with any contraceptive pill. Smoking can also cause early ageing. Both men and women smokers are exposed to early wrinkles and thinning of the skin.