Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advantages and disadvantages of Chantix

In spite of facing powerful competition from nicotine replacement therapies (nicotine patches, gums and lozenges), other smoking cessation drugs, as well as a plethora of other treatment procedures, Chantix remains at the top because it is safe, easy to use and nicotine free. Therefore it becomes apparently clear that this drug provides some supplementary benefits that cannot be derived from other anti-smoking treatments.

Chantix is a quit smoking drug with an above average level of efficacy. Substantial clinical trials have proved that this drug is the most successful smoking cessation treatment for adult smokers; Chantix has successfully proved its efficacy. In fact, this drug has no match among the smoking cessation drugs that are currently on the market.

Chantix advantages are manifold as well as exclusive to the drug and its functional process remains at the top of all the Chantix advantages. The objective of this quit smoking drug is to provide the same pleasurable feeling that nicotine gives a smoker. Chantix targets the brain soon after ingestion and combines with the nicotine receptor cells. This induces nicotine like pleasure feelings and therefore intake of nicotine no longer remains a necessity. This is a major Chantix advantage as it helps the smoker give up cigarette smoking without experiencing any cravings.

It is clinically proven that this drug is safe and efficient. This makes this smoking cessation drug more preferable to other smoking cessation treatments. Amongst all the smoking cessation treatments, Chantix proves to be more affordable in the end and can be procured online too.

Although a hugely popular and safe drug, when you buy Chantix certain side effects may occur in people when ingested. Some of the commonly occurring Chantix side effects include nausea, sleep disorder, gas, sleeplessness, constipation, headache and loss of taste. Other, more serious Chantix side effects include general sleeping disorders and respiratory problems as well as allergic reactions like hives and swelling of the face. Since, Chantix tends to work by altering brain chemistry; it does carry a certain risk of enhancing mood and behaviour changes.

When the continuous craving for nicotine cannot be dealt with individually it becomes extremely essential to adopt a suitable counter measure so that you can get rid of your nicotine addiction and ensure successful smoking cessation – where the chief objective is to overcome a continuous craving for nicotine.

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